Lose You? Their Loss.

Okay, seriously, if there's one thing I'll swear by for the rest of my life, it's this:

Just let them. 🖤

Seriously, it's saved me years of unnecessary stress and, like, at least three mental breakdowns. 

Have you ever noticed how much easier life gets when you just let people do whatever they want?

Welcome to the "Let Them Theory". 💅🏻

Let them cheat on you.
Let them leave you. 👋🏻
Let them talk badly about you.
Let them not give you flowers.
Let them treat you poorly.
Let them mess up.
Let them live the life they want, even if it's without you.

And whatever you do, don't beg anyone to stay. If they want to leave, open the door wide and watch them walk out. Then, lock the door 🚪 rapat-rapat behind them.

Oops, sorry. 🚫 No re-entry, no refunds, no store credits.

Girl, yang sebenarnya no matter how pretty, kind, smart, loyal or how super amazing ❤️ you are, if someone wants to lose you, they absolutely will.

And guess what?

It's not about you. Trying to control the situation? Wasting your energy? Girl, what for? 🤷🏻‍♀️

If they want to leave that badly, let them. 

Rejection is redirection, and the universe ✨ doesn't make mistakes.

Anyone who puts themselves in a position to lose you no longer deserves access to you.

And no revenge is needed, 💁🏻‍♀️ because this will push you toward the life you've always hoped for.

Trust that whatever is truly meant for you will find you effortlessly~.

"Biarkan luncai dengan labu-labunya," okay? 

Point blank. Period. Full stop.

K bai.
