Life Happens, okay?

Cukuplah Allah (menjadi penolong) bagi kami dan Allah adalah sebaik-baik pelindung.

I gave this Post-it note 📝 to one of my sisters. I actually post-it everywhere; my desk, my mirror, my car, for my own reminder.

This message was actually written big and bold on my Ayah's whiteboard at my parents' home. Ayat that really helped me navigate dunia yang penuh pancaroba ini. 🌪️

Remember those incredibly challenging times we faced? The overwhelming despair, the silent tears. We weren't just sad; our hearts 💔 were shattered.

And look at us now. We made it, right? ✨ We got through it all, and our lives are better than ever.

Pokoknya, let's be real: life just... happens. It throws all sorts of stuff at us, good and bad. We all go through tough times. It's just part of being human. It's just how it goes. 

We've all felt pain. Heartbreak, frustration, feeling like you could just scream. Nobody gets a free pass 🚫. Nobody tuan-puan. Jadi jangan rasa down sangat okay? You are not alone. 

Semua orang ada ujian dan bahagia masing-masing. Semua.

(This is the part where I insert cliche quote: Ada ramai lagi orang yang susah daripada kita. Seriously. Pergilah volunteer dekat rumah anak yatim or rumah orang tua dekat bandar tu. You'll hear stories/situations that you'd never even imagine could happen, things that are beyond your bubble.)

When things get rough ⛈️, it's a chance to discover how strong you really are. It's a chance to learn to trust that things will work out, even when you can't see how. It's about: Breathe, let go, and have faith.

Think back, way back. Would your younger self even believe where you are now? We all grow 🌱 so much, even when we don't realize it. Most of the time, we surprise ourselves. #iykyk

For example, 8 years go - imagine this: You being alone with four little munchkins, with no place to call home. That's a real story. #iykyk 

And from that place, things got better. You became better. 

YES, if you're going through it right now, just know, seriously, ini semua temporary. You'll look back and be like, "Wow, I did that?"

Also, we're not God. So don't act like it. God says there's a reckoning, and we have to believe that, okay? We believe with our hearts 🫀, our words, and our actions.

So, yeah, seriously, just move on. You don't have to take my word for anything, but trust me, I learned all this the super hard way. Like, legit. 

Yelah-yelah, there's a HUGE difference between, like, choosing to live on Maggi and having no other freaking choice; need to eat Maggi everyday 😭. And honestly? I'm actually really proud of the choices I made back then. Like, Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah for everything.

On the other hand, my Ayah used to say: People who learn from their own mistakes are smart 🧠. People who learn from other people's mistakes are even smarter 💡

Saya cuma nak tambah: I just want to add: People who make the same mistakes repeatedly aren't dumb. They're just seriously brave.

K bai.
