Pharmacy 💊 to Powerhouse: Transforming from Gatekeeper to Strategic Executive Assistant

You might be wondering why last time, a girl with a Pharmacy and Business background ended up being an assistant, just assistant. It's a good question.

Executive Assistant providing high-level administrative support

Let me start by saying that life can take unexpected twist and turns, but one I wouldn’t trade for the world. I’m a mom with four boys. Raising them alone while building a career wasn’t easy. I had to be adaptable, resourceful, and always thinking 10 steps ahead. With flexibility, I could handle locum work, side hustles (more money!), volunteer stuff, and even study. Who knew that juggling act would lead to a love for organizing chaos and solving puzzles? 🧩

And I've become the ultimate sidekick to some of Malaysia's top bosses; official and unofficial. 😏

The EA Evolution
Once upon a time, EAs were glorified secretaries. Now, we're strategic partners, problem solvers, and confidantes (a boss whisperer). It's like transforming from a caterpillar 🐛 to a butterfly, minus the awkward stage. 🦋
  1. The Coffee Runner Era ☕
    This is where most people start. You're the office barista, the calendar keeper, and the email filter. It's a good foundation, but let's be real, it's not where you want to stay.
  2. The Project Manager Phase 💪🏻
    You're not just scheduling meetings anymore. You're coordinating projects, managing deadlines, and keeping everyone on track. You're basically a mini-CEO in training.
  3. The Strategic Partner Level
    This is where the magic happens. You're anticipating your boss's needs, providing strategic advice, and becoming an extension of their brain. You're basically their superhero sidekick. 🦸🏻‍♀️
Let's ditch the stereotypes and dive into the real world of being an EA. EAs are the unsung heroes, the sanity savers (sometimes the creators 😂), and the secret weapon behind every successful boss. 🤫

The next time someone asks, "You just an assistant je kan?" you can proudly say with pride, "Nope, I'm literally everything."💅🏻

Skills: Not Just Fancy Degrees
Sure, Pharmacy gave me an eye for detail, problem-solving skills, and a love for accuracy. Business school sharpened my business brain. But the real magic? It's a mix of skills that make you a domestic goddess in the office. 💃

You think being an EA is about fancy coffee orders and calendar juggling? Nah. It's about:
  1. Attention to Detail: Pharmacy taught me accuracy. Every prescription, every medication had to be spot on. As an EA, every detail matters. 🎯
  2. Problem-Solving: Pharmacy was all about finding solutions. As an EA, you're the office's problem-solver. You can turn a mess into magic faster than you can say, "Where's my coffee?" ☕ You can turn a bad shot into a birdie faster than you can say “Where’s my sand wedge?", or "Charger phone I nampak?"
  3. Organization: Juggling patients, doctors, and insurance in Pharmacy? Same as juggling emails, meetings, and deadlines as an EA. Organization is your superpower. Your desk might look like a tornado hit it, but your mind is a perfectly organized filing cabinet.
  4. Communication: Explaining complex medical stuff to patients? That's like translating business jargon into plain English for your boss. You're the office's communication champ. 🗣️ You can talk to anyone, from the CEO to the janitor, and make them feel like the most important person in the room. (But just make sure you don't become a people pleaser. Learn from my hard-learned lesson: set your boundaries)
  5. Anticipation: Predicting drug interactions in Pharmacy? You're predicting your boss's next move before they even think it. Some might even say it's psychic or even witchcraft 🧙🏻‍♀️🔮 but it's actually like mind reading, but without the creepy factor. 
  6. Discretion and Confidentiality: Handling sensitive patient info? You're guarding your boss's secrets like Fort Knox. Trust is everything. 🔒
  7. IT and Economy Knowledgeable: Pharmacy exposed me to the world of medical technology and research, giving me a solid foundation in IT. In the business world, understanding tech and economic trends is crucial. As an EA, you're not just scheduling meetings, you're also keeping an eye on the tech landscape and economic indicators to support your boss's strategic decisions. 💻📈
I once had a boss who understood me so well, we didn't need to talk verbally; we just communicated with an "eye language" 👀 that let us know what the other was thinking. 🧠

I learned something interesting during my university years: everyone has a "baby" in them. What I mean is that everyone has a vulnerable side that needs nurturing. As a mom of 4 boys, I'm an expert at reading babies' cues, such as when they're hungry, need a diaper change, or are uncomfortable. The same goes for my bosses, but maybe more subtle, verbal, situational, complex with multiple personalities, goals and pressure. 

Sometimes, their friends even think we're too close, but the truth is, they're just lucky to have a good assistant. Strictly, professional.

I've had a lot of great bosses. And you might be wondering why I call adress them as "My Pak JC or Pak Goh or Pak Wang or Pak Ramesh," when talking in non-formal setting, and formal addressing them as "Encik, Prof, Sir, Dato etc." - yup most American prefer called by their name, but I won't. It's just my way to show respect as Malay people. We don't call our Ayah, Nordin 😅 And it's not because I'm half Indonesian. It's because I see my boss as my "father-figure". Don't get me wrong, not that "father-father". Most of them are too young to call one 😅 What I mean is, I respect them as much as I respect my own father, my idol.❤️

I see my bosses as mentors, guiding figures in my career. I'm a mom after all, it seems I can't shake this off, even in an office setting 😹. My maternal instinct kicks in; I care, support, and am fiercely loyal. It’s a level of dedication often missing in today’s fast-paced work environment. I don’t just meet expectations; I exceed them. That's why I'm considered one of the best.

Advice for Making the Switch
If you’re considering a career change from a highly specialized field like pharmacy to a more general role like executive assistant, I want to offer some advice.
  1. Believe in your transferable skills. Your ability to problem-solve, organize, and communicate effectively are valuable in any role. Highlight these skills in your resume and interviews. You've got this, sis!
  2. Be open to learning. It's a new world out there. The EA world is constantly evolving. Be ready to learn new software, tools, and processes. 
  3. Network. Building relationships is key to success in any career. Attend industry events, connect with other EAs, and leverage your existing network. So, please; network like crazy. Connections are gold! The more connection you have, the more easier to get things done for your Boss, of course. We were able to build connections without leaving the office. Nowadays, everything is readily accessible. 😉
  4. Don't be afraid to start small. If you're unsure about making a complete career change, consider taking on freelance or contract EA work to gain experience. Dip your toes in first.
  5. Remember, it's okay to ask for help. Whether it's seeking mentorship, taking a course, or simply asking a colleague for advice, don't hesitate to reach out. We all need a little support. 
Making a career change can be daunting, but with the right mindset and approach, it can be incredibly rewarding.

Level Up Your EA Game!
The world is your oyster 🦪, or in this case, your learning platform! Beyond HRDF claimable courses, check out these online resources to become an EA superstar 🌟. The best part? Many are free! 🆓 If budget's tight, some offer financial aid 💰.
  • Leading Learning Platforms 📚
  1. LinkedIn Learning: Climb the career ladder with countless courses on time management, project management, and leadership. Create personalized learning paths to understand your boss's world better. 📈
  2. Coursera:  Dive into university-level courses on business, leadership, and tech skills. Build a strong foundation in business knowledge. 🎓
  3. edX: Partnering with top universities, edX offers a wide range of in-depth courses. Earn academic credibility while expanding your knowledge. 🏛️
  4. Udemy: Enjoy flexible learning with courses on various topics. Perfect for self-paced learners. 🧘🏻‍♀️
  5. Microsoft Learning: For those deeply involved in the Microsoft ecosystem, this platform offers in-depth training on Office applications, cloud solutions, and other Microsoft products. It's essential for mastering the tools you use daily.
  6. Google Learning and Google Workspace Learning Centre: Get tips on managing your boss and mastering Google tools. 💡
  7. e-Latih: Malaysia’s premier online learning platform developed by Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp) to provide Malaysians with the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge.
  8. Udacity: Focus on career-oriented courses in business, programming, and data science. 🚀
  9. Aliso: Access free certificate courses and accredited diplomas on various topics. Build a strong foundation. 🌱
  10. Bursa Malaysia Academy: Learn more about Malaysia market, economy, risk management, internal audit, governance, sustainability etc. here. 📰
  11. HubSpot Academy: HubSpot Academy is the worldwide leader in inbound marketing, sales, and customer service/support training.
  • Community and Networking
  1. YouTube: Discover a wealth of tips, tricks, and experiences shared by other EAs. 🎥
  2. Online Forums: Connect with fellow EAs, share experiences, ask questions, and learn from others. 💬
  • Professional Organizations
  1. The Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrator (MAICSA): Promote good governance and best practices. 💼
  2. Malaysian Association of Professional Secretaries and Administrators (MAPSA): Network with dedicated administrative professionals. 👥
  3. The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA): Leading recognized professional body for Chartered Secretaries and Administrators throughout the world. 🌎
  4. EA Search: Find jobs, resources, and networking opportunities. 🔍
  5. American Society of Administrative Professionals (ASAP): Global association offering education, certification, and networking. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
  6. International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP): Similar to ASAP, providing professional development and networking.
The Future of EA
The role of the EA is constantly evolving. In the future, we might be:
  1. Certified Secretaries: Become a certified secretary for added credibility. 📝
  2. Virtual Assistant: Work from anywhere as a virtual assistant, using AI to boost efficiency. 💻🏡
  3. Data Analyst: Analyze data to guide your company's strategy. 📊
  4. Change Managers: Lead your organization through transformations. 🚀
  5. AI and Automation Specialists: Harness the power of AI to streamline workflows. 🤖
  6. Crisis Manager: Develop plans to handle emergencies and lead the response. 🚨
  7. Talent Recruitor: Find and hire top talent for your company. 💼
  8. Sustainability Coordinator: Make your workplace greener and more eco-friendly. 🌍
  9. Mental Health Advocate: Promote employee well-being and create a supportive environment. ❤️
  10. Financial Analysts: Help manage your company's finances. 💰
  11. Digital Transformation Leader: Guide your company into the digital age. 📱
  12. Global Mobility Experts Manage international projects and teams. 🌎
  13. CSR Coordinators: Oversee your company's community involvement.🤝
  14. Project Management Pro: Support project teams from start to finish. ✅
The possibilities are endless! So, embrace the challenge, keep learning, and most importantly, have fun! 🎉

Being an EA is more than just a job; it's a career. It's challenging, rewarding, and full of opportunities. So, if you're ready to take on the world (or at least your CEO's world), then buckle up and get ready for an amazing ride! 🚀

Remember, you're not just an assistant, you're a catalyst for success. Now go out there and conquer the world! 🌍 We need more high skilled quality people to support our baby industry! 

I'm moving on to a new playground now. Not very new lah, back to Medical path. Wish me luck! 🍀 I'm excited for this next chapter and can't wait to see what the future holds. 👩🏻‍🏫

What are your thoughts on the future of the EA role? Share your ideas in the comments below! 💬
