Let's Pray for Nur Aneesa and Her Family

Update 24/8:Aneesa is getting better every day. Her cousin, Amelia, traveled all the way from Terengganu to take care of her this weekend. Aneesa is still in the ICU, but she will be transferred to another ward today. I don't know yet what her doctor's plan is for her treatment, but I am sure that she will be okay. God will not give a difficult test to His Kesayangan without also giving him/her the strength to overcome it, right? Her smile yesterday really warm up my day. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and good wishes for Aneesa. Please continue to keep her in your prayers as she recovers, okay? πŸ”ͺ Tak doakan, siap awak orang. Kidding. Doakan lagi eh? Please?

doa for strength and resilience during difficult times, with Malay translation.
Dear friends,

I'm saddened to share that my former colleague, Nur Aneesa Izwanis, and her family were involved in a car accident last Wednesday. They are currently receiving medical treatment and Aneesa still in ICU.

Let us come together to offer our prayers and support for their speedy recovery. May Allah SWT grant them strength and patience during this difficult time.

On this blessed day of Jumaat, please join me in praying:

"Ya Allah, please heal Nur Aneesa Izwanis and her family completely. Grant them strength and patience to endure this trial,"

Thank you for your prayers and support.

#prayforaneesa #strength #support #recovery #doa


  1. Semoga Nur Aneesa Izwanis & family segera sembuh seperti sediakala dan dipermudah urusan mereka, aaminn..

  2. innalillahiwainnailaihirojiunnn...

    semoga Allah percepatkan kesembuhan Nur Aneesa Izwanis dan keluarganya tanpa sebarang kesakitan selepas itu

  3. Terima kasih atas ucapan dan doa. Saya terharu sangat ✨ Alhamdulillah I am getting better but still jumpa doktor and in recover. Hope we can meet again suatu hari nanti.


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