From Burnout to Balance: My Journey to Better Health

Zepp Life app profile page showing user's body score and progress
Juggling kids, career, and life is no easy feat. I was living on autopilot, fueled by coffee and sheer willpower. But when my body finally gave up, I knew something had to change. 

Last February, my world came crashing down when I ended up in the🏥hospital due to kidney and gallbladder stones, again. (Read it here: Hospitalization Leave Due to Kidney and Gallbladder stone). 

The first time I got sick, it was a wake-up call louder than any alarm clock🚨. I’d always known I wasn’t taking the best care of myself, but this was rock bottom. The constant rush, romantizing work 🙄, skipping meals, and neglecting my physical health had finally caught up with me. 

As a mom of four boys, I prided myself on being a superhero 🦸🏻‍♀️. Work, kids, household chores, side hustle and volunteer work – I juggled them all with a smile. But behind this facade, I was exhausted, stressed, and on the brink of burnout. I’d often find myself reaching for another cup of coffee to push through the day, ignoring the signs my body was sending. I was so focus in meeting expectation, hoping for a better chances? I guess.☕😴 

I’ve realized that my constant rushing and skipping meals was taking a toll on my energy levels and overall well-being especially during my working time at previous work place. So, I'm determined to break free from this toxic unhealthy cycle, I embarked on a journey to prioritize my health✨. It wasn’t easy, and there were countless moments of doubt and frustration. But with each small step, I felt a shift in my energy levels, mood, and overall well-being.

Swapping sugary drinks for water was tough at first. I craved that sweet fix (and chocolate!). But I started carrying a reusable water bottle and setting reminders on my phone. Now, I can't imagine starting my day without it.💧 And yup, no coffee or tea at all.

Finding time for exercise with four kids is no joke. I started with short walks during my lunch break, sometimes at the park near my house. It's amazing how even 30 minutes can make a difference. 🚶‍♀️Aiming for 10K steps a day might seem ambitious, but it's a start. I'm also focusing on getting enough sleep😴💤, which has been surprisingly challenging with four energetic boys. 

I used to grab fast food on my way to work because it was convenient (Pau BBQ Ayam at My News paling sedap!) But now, I'm meal prepping on weekends to have healthier options ready, simple raw unprocessed food, and fasting. A lot of fasting. It's a game-changer! 🍔🥦 Anyone else struggle with fast food temptation? 🙈

But when I fell ill with the same sickness again, I questioned myself: where did I go wrong? 🤒 Ini bukan wake-up call lagi dah, ini macam tiupan sangkakala. I realized that my body was sending clear signals that something was wrong. I could no longer overlook it. Something must be done. My mental health also needs TLC, real TLC.

That’s not it. I'm feeling overwhelmed and stressed because of the huge pile of work that built up while I was in the hospital for six weeks after my second surgery. Even while working from home last time, I was unable to complete everything, including my own tasks, due to the overwhelming amount of work and the added responsibility of others, of course. 🙄

The never-ending list of things to do is making me really anxious. Yes, in the end, I can settle it all, but of course, at the cost of sacrificing my sleep for days, even weeks. I'm starting to feel like my heart is racing, I can't catch my breath (palpitation and SOB), and I've noticed I'm breathing through my mouth without realizing it. (Yup, till now)

What good is money if you're sick, (and being good to people who negatively impact one's well-being?). Do you think your employer really cares about you and your physical and mental health? They only pretend to care as long as you're useful to them. The moment something happens to you or you die, they'll replace you with no hesitation. This is not your father's company, okay? Die die wanna do better for company, for what?

Hello miss,🤦🏻‍♀️ bear this in mind, the more you give at work, the more they will take from you. They will "drain" you until you have nothing left to give. 💀 You won't be compensated enough. Don't make me start with - harassment, cover up, misconduct, backstabbing, gaslighting, gatekeeping, bullying, politic and other 101 "drama". Eh, perhaps I should list out all this drama lah for your entertainment.🍿😂

Well at least, to speak it bluntly, this is the first time I face this kind of situation. Nevertheless, I learned a valuable lesson;the hard way. Ujian juga buat kita. After all, life is just temporary. Just continue being good, tak dapat dekat dunia, dapat dekat akhirat. Simple. Everything will be, will be. 

So, to further prioritize my well-being, I've decided to look for a job closer to home 🏡 and explore career paths that align better with my values and lifestyle. 

It was difficult to leave something I truly loved, but the "unbearable thing happen" and it was the last straw. Thank God, if it hasn't happen, I'd still be stuck in my previous job, clinging to the hope that things would improve.😥

Regardless, I approached it with positivity, trusting that Allah SWT has a better plan for me and recognizing the importance of choosing myself and distancing from negativity. Perhaps this is an opportunity given to me to reflect on myself, muhasabah diri. I'm already 35 years old. In five years, when I turn 40, it will be a time to concentrate on what truly matters as a Muslim. Like my Kesayangan said, "Doakan supaya jadi isteri yang solehah- hah-hah,". ❤️

Good news is I just landed my dream job, 💼 and it's close to home. This couldn't have worked out any better. Alhamdulillah. But (jujurnya), I really miss my friends at my previous job, my manager yang baik-baik. They are like family to me. They are one of the reasons why I love being at work and why I want to make this world a better place for everyone. I thought I want to settle down there, kerja sampai bila-bila, doing my best but life have different plan for me. 😢 

I know I'm still in the early stages of this journey, and there will be challenges along the way. Finding the time and motivation to prioritize my health - physical and mental, amidst a busy lifestyle is definitely tough. But I'm determined to find a balance. 

Okaylah, stop with this melancholy sappy-sad thing. Life has to move on, and I have to keep going. 

My Body Composition Analysis
I had a health checkup with Gleneagles Hospital last June, and all my results were perfect, Alhamdulillah. My cholesterol level was a little high, though, at 2.9 mmol/L instead of the normal 2.6 mmol/L. My physical appearance doesn't reflect my cholesterol level; I may be underweight sedikit, but my cholesterol level tells a different story. That's why we can't always rely solely on how we look to assess our health. Go get a medical checkup now!

Body composition analysis chart showing weight, BMI, body fat, muscle mass, and other metrics
Weight: 45.90 kg
Body type: Lacks exercise
Muscle: 31.57 kg (Insufficient)
BMI: 19.8 (Normal)
Body fat: 27.3% (Low)
Water: 49.9% (Normal)
Protein: 18.9% (Normal)
Basal metabolism: 1,056 kcal (Reached goal)
Visceral fat: 2 (Normal)
Bone mass: 1.82 kg (Normal)

I also own a Mi Body Composition Scale 2. It's a handy tool to track weight fluctuations and estimate other body metrics and body composition trends over time (Ada apps). It provides valuable insights into various metrics such as body fat percentage, muscle mass, bone mass, and even basal metabolic rate. I bought it for RM150+ years back and it really helpful.

Key findings:

Weight45.90 kgBMI: 19.8, normal range.
Body TypeM (Mesomorph)Likely balanced build with good muscle development potential
Muscle Mass (kg)31.57Insufficient, crucial for building strength and metabolism
Body Fat (%)27.3Low, maintain healthy level for hormone production
Water (%)49.9Normal range, adequate hydration is essential
Protein Intake (%)18.9Normal, vital for muscle repair and growth
Basal Metabolism (kcal)1056Goal reached, crucial for weight management
Visceral Fat2Normal, low level is important for health
Bone Mass (kg)1.82Normal range

Apa-apa pun it's essential to remember that it's not a substitute for professional medical advice. Regular check-ups and blood tests provide a more accurate picture of your overall health. Okay?

So, there you have it, kawan-kawan! A whole bunch of stuff happened for the past few months. Some good, some not so much. But hey, that's life, right? 🤪 We're here to keep you in the loop and hopefully, put a smile on your face. Remember, life’s too short to be boring, so let’s make the most of it! 

Got any thoughts or feedback? Drop a comment below, I love hearing from you! 💬 Let's spread the good vibes together! ✨
