Hard Truths from the First Half of 2024
We're halfway through 2024, just over a month into July, and it's been a roller coaster up and down kan? Super busy hal dunia, sometimes it feels like there's no time to breathe; my hospitalization, work expectation, kiddos, anxiety this and that. I somehow manage to pull it off, though. So, what I've learned for the past few months. Are you ready to hear them? Let's dive into some hard truths I’ve learned in these past six months. These aren’t your typical motivational quotes. They’re raw, real, and might sting a bit. But, trust me, they’re worth reflecting on.
1. Effort Won’t Change Them
Ever noticed how some people treat you poorly, no matter what you do? You keep telling yourself, "It's okay, we need to be empathetic," but it keeps happening over and over again, pushing you to the edge. Here’s the harsh reality: If someone isn't treating you well now, they won’t start just because you work harder. Their behavior reflects them, not you. Save your energy for those who appreciate you.
2. The Myth of Perfect Timing
Waiting for the perfect moment to chase your dreams? Newsflash: It doesn't exist. Life is short, and we’re not guaranteed tomorrow. Stop waiting. Start doing. Do it now, Suzlin! Your future self will thank you.
3. Your Body Remembers
How you treat your body now is how it’ll treat you later. It’s easy to ignore the late nights, junk food, and skipped workouts when you're young. But your body keeps score. Prioritize your health now, and you’ll reap the benefits later - despite of anything.
4. Embrace Your Age
Why hide your age? Getting older is a privilege. Every year is a gift, bringing wisdom, experiences, and growth. Celebrate your journey. Aging is a testament to your survival and resilience.
5. Keep Perspective
Not everything is a catastrophe. We often blow small issues out of proportion, making mountains out of molehills. Take a step back. Most things aren’t as crucial as we make them out to be. Breathe. Relax. Or just remove yourself from that situation. Starting from scratch isn't just a saying, it's an option. It's like hitting the reset button on a video game, but instead of a controller, you've got determination. It's the art of turning a blank page into a masterpiece or a handful of ingredients into a feast. So, go ahead, wipe the slate clean and let the magic begin!
6. Believe What They Show You
Conflict with someone? Pay attention to their actions. Most of the time, 9 out of 10, they’ve already shown you who they are. Believe them the first time. Save yourself the heartache and move on.
7. Choose Your Circle Wisely
The people you surround yourself with shape your world. They influence your thoughts, behaviors, and outlook on life. Choose wisely. Surround yourself with positivity, and you'll shine brighter.
My final thoughts? These truths might be tough to swallow, but they’re necessary for growth. Reflect on them, embrace them, and watch how your life transforms. Here’s to making the second half of 2024 even better, InsyaAllah.
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