SDS | Let's Get Messy with Messy Bun!

SDS Let's Get Messy with Messy Bun | Brace yourself~ Messy Bun/Dirty Bread is now in Malaysia! Mak dah try, memang sedap and super-messy ;)
sds messy bun
#1st Round
#2nd Round
Even my kids love it so much. Guess we need to go for another round right? ;) (and more extra clothes, and wipes)

SDS Messy Bun
  • Chocolate croissant with chocolate filling, coated with chocolate ganache and cocoa powder
  • Originated from Korea since early 2017
  • Become popular in Korea, China, Taiwan, and Malaysia recently. Celebrities, influencers, public and kids are crazy for its deliciousness of it, and posted photos of messy look when eating the bun.
  • Why is it “Messy”: Cocoa powder will easily leave stain on face, while chocolate ganache causing teeth dirty. The person eating the bun will look “Messy” in the end.
  • You can eat any way you like as long as it gets messy.
Now you can get for yourself at any SDS Outlets (Click here for SDS Outlets list) for RM5.80 each. For more info, visit SDS Bakery & Cafe website or their social media (Facebook and Instagram)

#sdsgroups #ilovesds #messybun #LetsGetMessy


Sis Lin said…
Salam ..
Sedap sangat, Sis sampai pergi SDS tanya roti ni lagi hehehe
Betty's Journey said…
I have tried the messy bun from Donutes. Is really messy when you take a first bite. All over my mouth and cloth. But I like it so much.
Hanny Abdullh said…
Belum pernah cuba lagi ni..baru je dapat tahu lately ni bila ada yang dah makan dengan kecomotan memasing..hehehe.
Sis pun nak cuba jugak nanti, nak tengok comot tahap mana..and yg penting harap2 sedap
Kalu pakai cantik2 pon sanggup korban nak mkn roti sedap, hehe
Rodiah Amir said…
Messy tu yang nampak macam sedap yakmat. Harga pun ok la. Tapi manis sangat ke eh rasa dia?
Fiza Rahman said…
1dt time dengar messy bun. Nampak macam sedap jer. Memang messy bila makan yer 😄
Cik Rose said…
Walaupun messy, nampak sedap!!!! Nak nak perisa coklat tu. Alahai... teringin pulak. Ramai yang share kat fb roti ni...
nampak messy tetapi tetapi nampak sedap giler....klu makan ni agaknya setahun x jumpa coklat pun xpe hahahahahaha
sis gee said…
jeles lah tengok!!cepatlah jual kat ganu ni haaa....
Abby Onety said…
Makan apa tuh ya... gimn rasanya dan terbuat dari apa. Pengen.nyba sih tapi belinya dimana ?
cindyrina said…
I try day....memang messy giler. Nasib makan kat rumah. Kalau makan masa time first date confirmed no second date dah.muahahaha 🤣
Syafiera Yamin said…
Ya Allah comot betul mak makan hahahha...
coklat berdebu tu kena makan hati-hati lah,
memang nampak sedap takut tersedak je macam makan milo tanpa bancuh..
rasa macam nak cuba pula bun ni !!!!
Mak Lin said…
kami pun nak pi beli lagi ni hah~
Mak Lin said…
tahu takpe kak seri. cuba kak seri buatkan 1.
Mak Lin said…
nanti share pic tau. tak sabar tengok kecomelan mama ;)
Mak Lin said…
tak juga. serbuk atas tu unsweetened cocoa powder. pahit sikit tapi balance pahit-manis dia.
Mak Lin said…
ye kak. messy ya amat. best rasa macam kembali ke zaman muda.
Mak Lin said…
jomlah cik rose turun jb makan roti
Mak Lin said…
eh coklat mana boleh puasa setahun kak ayu. huhuhu.
Ruby said…
Huyooo comot la konsepnya ni. Hahaha. Mak makan OK lg. Anak makan? Dr muka, tangan, pakaian semua dah kotoqqqqqq. Hahaha.
Bro Framestone said…
Macam best dan macam sedap je nie... Nak juga.... !!!! Kalau ramai yang suka makan makanan yang macam nie... Silap hari bulan leh viral nie
dr-Life said…
Can be seen this is every where after the first launching at ss15 and second launching at Cafe Donuttes. So far only tried before with the Danish pastry type. Never try the rest yet... I see got cake, bun and muffin type.. hope they are not to sweet...
Rawlins GLAM said…
Comelnya kecomotan itu semua. Rawlins mesti jadi sangat messy kalau makan tu. Haha. Sedap kan?
Mawardi Yunus said…
Apa la rupa kita kalau makan roti ni. Mesti huru hara. Hahaha. Nak cubalah nnti leh buat video kan
sitirohaida said…
Alolo..comot tapi comel takpe nak pi repeat beli lagi uit..sedap
Māmy Syu said…
Croissant kalau kosong pun dah sedap gila, inikan pulak kalau ada coklat. Rasanya kalau akak makan kompom sampai ke tudung comot nya
Fieza Sani said…
Kat Johor je ke ada?KL?
Alahai, kenapa jauh bebenor sampai ke Johor. Tengok pun rasa teringin sangat nak cuba.
nurmisnan said…
mak aiiii.. kan dah lapar tfk messy bun ni.. tak puas hati ni. balik nak terjah beli.. dapnya.. giler choc
Mermaid said…
Alamakkk awat Ika nampak Mak makan sedap sangat ni!!! Suka bun chocolate la... nk juga pos ika sikit please...