Waktu Operasi Perpustakaan Awam Pasir Gudang

perpustakaan pasir gudang
Mak suka pergi library, here: Perpustakaan Awam Pasir Gudang. Very near to my place. Dulu dalam pusat bandar. Now still dalam pusat bandar cuma berpindah ke tempat Tenaga Nasional dulu (Bawah Restoran Sasa).

Ada dua children area (bertutup and open space) and of course, another area for adult like us *cough*. Kalau nak melepak with kids, you can come over anytime mention above. Kalau nak "tenggelam" dalam lautan buku, having your own sweet peaceful time (yes, you bookworm, I am like you) datang pagi on weekdays, sebab after lunch there's a lot of budak-budak sekolah yang bising. *facepalm*

Love the books, even mostly I've read it all. BUT hate to say the downside of this place; THERE IS NO TOILET and you have to keluar naik tangga all the way masuk Pusat Bandar. *facepalm* Seriously guys, no toilet for public down here? *facepalm*

Other than that, mak suka lepak sini baca paper and magazine ;)


Adam said…
Cuti umum tutup!
sitirohaida said…
ai tak pernah pi perpustakaan sini
Mar Mansor said…
haihh...memang tak jejak la ke perpustakaan ni kalau waktu dia camtu..sob2..sedih