
Mak ada banyak benda nak UP, tapi mak cuma ada sedikit sahaja masa. Most of the info, gossip-gosip, rants and raving mak UP dekat social media (Hey, follow my Facebook and Instagram and Twitter!) Well for your information, for the past suku tahun ni (=3months++) mak busy ya amat. Mak start acah-acah kerja fulltime *to keep my mind busy* sambil plan for HUGE decision pertengahan tahun ini. ;)

Life: I don’t want much, I just want everything and 30s
Guess that my hands are full now; with job, kids. Whatsapp, keeping in touch with other human being pun tak berapa sempat. BUT business Shaklee, Propolis masih berjalan seperti biasa OK. Cuma blogging pun macam ala-ala sepoi-sepoi, macam tergendala sikit but I'll be back again. Fulltime. Dalam masa terdekat ni, InsyaAllah. Rindu sangat nak blogwalking, hanging out with other bloggers, event etc.

Pray For Us.


Maria Firdz said…
Sama la kita.. busy sikit tahun ni... berblog masih buat sebab minat tapi tak sesemangat dulu...
sitirohaida said…
rindu nak bebel dengan mak
Uyul Rosli said…
jyeahh paham mak memang busy!

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