Internet Provider: Mana yang murah?

Kita spend banyak untuk Internet data.

Currently I'm using Postpaid Celcom - First Blue which cost me RM48 per month. It comes with 3GB quota Internet, 50 minutes free call and 50 SMS. I would say yang kita ni pengguna tegar juga la. 3GB per month (100MB per day la kiranya) is not enough for me as every month I would topup at least 2GB more (cost me RM15 for 1GB).

Total = RM78 belum campur GST.

Cost me a lot ek? Alang-alang 5GB, baik terus upgrade plan 80 Celcom right? Boleh dapat unlimited call and SMS and 10GB Data Internet.

BUT, I won't. Mahal. Why? Because saya pengguna bijak. HAHAHA.
Based on my usage*, I spend a lot of data on FB, Twitter and Whatsapp. Inilah masanya my Maxis Hotlink comes in handy. Before this Lin pakai plan apa entah, then Lin tukar pelan social chat, free unlimited FB, Twitter or Whatsapp. Boleh tukar through *100# and it will deduct RM5 from your credit.

Yang paling best, Maxis Hotlink ada Hot ticket. RM10 for 500MB, free 1GB (2am to 7am) and RM7 credit untuk call and SMS with 5 days validity. Internet 1.5GB tu kira macam bayar RM3 je kan.

And suddenly my adik ask me which internet provider I used as dia guna UMobile, 3GB juga tapi cost her RM28 je!

Adoi. Rugi ke tak ek? But I don't think I would switch to UMobile dalam masa terdekat ni. Banyak nah number nak buat apa, lagipun kita pelanggan setia Celcom more than 10 years kot. Sayang nak buang. Kihkihkih.

So, awak macam mana?

P/S: Ada lagi ke orang yang suka call and SMS? Cause almost all of my friend suka Whatsapp je. (*_____*)" kalau nak luah isi hati baru diorang call. Huhuhu.


  1. I guna digi.sebulan 3g free call and sms 100 min/sms. Tapi kat rumah guna wifi...hehe..


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