Review: Ruby Aura Collagen brought to you by HiShop

Ruby Aura 10 days Challenge! brought to you by HiShop :) I'm so excited to reveal this "secret" to you. For just a week I can see a visible result and my friend keep asking me what did I do with my skin kan? So, this is it at last; my review on Ruby Aura Collagen.
Product Details:
Ruby Aura is the 1st Brightening Collagen Drink that defines a Whitening Injection treatment.
It marries the power of eastern philosophy and western science, a unique 9x Golden Formula delivers a sublime, flawless and radiant feel in just 5 days.  

10 Amazing Key Active Ingredients:
  • Strawberry powder A cup of strawberry contains 136% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.
  • Peach fruit powder Contains vitamin C x20 times higher than kiwi. “The king of vitamin C”!
  • Collagen peptide-Optima® Hydrolyzed collagen, average molecular weight is 0.5kDa, more efficient Gastrointestinal absorption.
  • Red beet powder Known as “the root of life” in Britain’s traditional medical.
  • Pomegranate extract ORAC value 10,500 (units/100g)
  • Grape seed extract (95% OPC) Its anti-oxidant power is 20 to 50 times stronger than vitamin E and vitamin C.
  • Litchi seed extract It has the function to inhibit collagenase (degradation of collagen), elastase and hyaluronidase.
  • Tomato extract (lycopene) Strongest anti-Oxidant found in flora.
  • Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) It promotes collagen formation and the iron absorption, participates in the REDOX reaction in the body, is an indispensable nutrition of body. Combination of Beauty and Health.
  • Astabio® (astaxanthin) Anti-oxidant, Anti-ageing, Anti-tumour, prevention of cardiovascular disease. Also known as “Killer” of free radical.
Effects of Ruby Aura:
  •  Antioxidant and anti-ageing. Rejuvenate skin.
  •  Increases skin hydration. Restore skin moisture balances.
  •  Improve your skin’s brightness and radiance.
  •  Reduce free radical , restore youthfulness.
  •  Increase skin elasticity, Reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  •  Lighten skin pigmentation, Flawless White.
Who needs Ruby Aura:
  • In front of computer more than 4 hours every day.
  • Wears up every day.
  • Live in an air conditioned environment.
  • Sleeps after 11pm more than 3 times a week.
  • Ages 25 or more.
  • Less than 2 times a month visit beauty salon.
  • Often work overtime, often on a business trip.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle and always stressed.
  • Exposed to sun light for a long period of time (UV exposure).
  • Dry and rough skin.
  • Often stay under lampblack, or second-hand smoke environment.
  • Have drinking habits.
Price: RM80 per box [12g x 10 sachets] which you can buy it from HiShop

Direction for consumption: 2 sachets with 200-250ml room temperature or cool water before breakfast along 5-7 days. After that, consume 1 sachet daily for maintainence. [Tapi Lin makan 1 sachet before sleep]

My Verdict: 
At first I was like, OK another collagen drink. Why not? Before this I did consume another brands of collagen drink, ada yang berkesan ada yang cuma increase tahap "pembuangan" blablabla. Surprisingly, after a week, my mom tanya Lin pakai krim apa sekarang as my skin sangat glowing even Lin rasa whitehead tu macam tetiba rasa banyak. Side effect mungkin? Lin cakap as usual biasa jelah, tapi Lin minum Ruby Aura. I guess Ruby Aura berkesan and serasi dengan Lin kan? 
#selfie attempt
Semalam Lin upload pic dekat Facebook. Non edit pic ok~ and ramai orang tanya Lin makan Collagen apa. Jawapan dia, Lin makan Ruby Aura until last Friday [Before tu Lin makan brand lain yang memang serasi dengan Lin, and currently Lin still makan brand tu sebab ada baki lagi] ;) But I admit, Ruby Aura really works sebab dapat tengok result cepat. Tak tahulah mungkinsebab setiap kali ambil gambar cahaya menyimbah ke muka ke apa kan, but I do look flawless *bangga*.
Cuma downsidenya, masa consume Ruby Aura ni, first 3 days Lin tumbuh jerawat pasir dekat antara kening. Tak tahu pulak lah kenapa, side effect kali and it subside after that. Thank god. Selain tu, whitehead keliling hidung and mulut bertambah and I have to scrub it off using konjac sponge eventually. Other than that I love it!

Price? Well, most of Collagen drink in the market memang range RM100+ and Ruby Aura cost RM80 per box, untuk penggunaan 20 hari. Cheaper than other brands. Let's do the math:
Brand A: RM150/jar last for 1 month
Brand C: RM240 for 30 sachets
Brand E: RM197 for 30 sachets
Ruby Aura: RM120 for 30 sachets

Murah kan? and currently ada 10% diskaun dekat HiShop and you only pay RM72 for one box plus you don't have to pay for delivery cost sebab HiShop menawarkan free delivery dengan pembelian RM50 keatas. Nampak tak penjimatan berganda di situ? So why wait? Get yours now. Biar kita sama-sama cantik. Klik banner dekat bawah ni ;)
To get exclusive rebate of RM20 by key in 'RUBY14' before you checkout!
*valid for purchases above RM99 and till 15 March 2014

Cash Voucher RM20 by key in 'LOTSOFLOVE' before you checkout!
 *valid for purchases above RM99 and till 15 March 2014


fifi said…
Kan i dah cakap..kulit u nampak cantik..nanti nak survey brand ni lah..