Parcel from HiShop and Beauty Seed!

Lin menang 2nd place Give Away HiShop on Facebook \(^______^)/ and this is it. Hadiah dah sampai~
4U2 DFY9 Liquid Pen Liner (Fine to Bold Lines) worth RM29.90
4U2 I-PRO - Professional Eye Make up Palette No. 03 worth RM59.90.
Great! As my Maybelline Hypersharp Eyeliner pun dah nak habis plus memang Lin nak cari great eyeshadow palettes, so I guess dah banyak save $$$ di sini. Hohoho. Thanks HiShop!
OK. Proceed to another parcel from Beauty Seed!
Cantik tak packagingnya? This is one time subs beauty box by Beauty Seed. Mesti y'all tak sabar-sabar nak tahu apa isi dalamnya right? Hohoho. Will reveal it content this weekend. So kena tunggulah ya ;)


Wah nak beli tak banyak money...
Unknown said…
salam, macam mane ek nk masuk giveaway..tpi blog tk bpe nk aktif..bley bagi tau tk..sye berminat palk tgok gambr hadiah tu..
Unknown said…
salam..sudi tk bagitau sye mcm mne nk msuk give away tu
Puteri Panda said…
Tahniah, Lin. :) Tak sabar nak tengok isi Beauty Seed tu.
Anonymous said…
tahniah :)
thniah..suka makeup xpe lah..hehehe