Beli supplement kecantikan dekat Facebook, tak takut ke?
Is it too good to be true?
We've all seen those tempting ads on Facebook, promising flawless skin, a slim figure, and endless energy. But are these products really as effective and safe as they claim to be?I know I'm not alone when I say that I've been tempted by these before. The before-and-after photos are incredible, and the testimonials seem too good to be true. But as a savvy consumer, I always have my doubts.
What about the safety?
Have you ever wondered if these products are actually safe? Do they have the necessary certifications? I mean, it's not just about wanting to look good, it's about our health too. I've personally looked into a product that claimed to have halal and KKM certifications. When I checked with the official websites of JAKIM and BPFK, the product wasn't listed.
I contacted the sellers for clarification, and their responses were quite evasive. One seller even told me that food supplements don't need halal or KKM certifications. That's a red flag right there! If a product claims to have these certifications but can't provide proof, it's probably best to stay away.
Why is this important?
If we're going to recommend these products to others, we need to be sure they're safe and effective. Imagine if someone has a negative reaction to a product we've recommended. It's not just about the money; it's about our reputation and the well-being of others.
So, what should we do?
So, what should we do?
- Do your research: Before buying any product, check the company's website, social media, and customer reviews.
- Verify certifications: Make sure the product has the necessary certifications from reliable organizations like JAKIM and KKM.
- Consult a professional: If you're unsure about a product, talk to a pharmacist or doctor.
- Be wary of unrealistic claims: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Remember, your health is your wealth. Don't let the allure of quick fixes compromise your well-being. Always prioritize quality over quantity.
X berani try nk bli. Nsib x try lg
ReplyDeleteTulah pasal kak. Badan sakit nanti sapa susah? Kita juga. Kalau sekejap tak apa, kalau kesannya permanent?
Deleteakak dulu pnah kena sekalilah, Lin. Masa tu akak kena chicken pox. Pas tu akak carilah produk yg bleh hilangkan parut. Jumpalah dalam fb, mahal pun beli juga, ialah parut chicken pox kan horror... tengok testimoni sume bkn main cun kulit dorang.. urmmm.. last2 takde pepun brlaku kat kulit akak, tipu daya semata2 rupa-rupanya. Nasib baik takde kesan smpingan, terus akak tak pcaya lagi produk2 kat fb ni, huhu
ReplyDeleteAkak pun terkena? Huhuhu. Sabar jelah. Bukan semua tak boleh percaya kak. Boleh beli asalkan kita tahu mana asalnya, apa komposisinya etc. Kalau dah berdaftar dengan KKM, bagi Lin, tahap "keselamatan" tu tinggilah sikit. Walaupun kadang-kadang ada juga produk yang dah berdaftar, tapi ditarik balik dari pasaran. (*______*)"
Deletebetul betul. saye agree dgn awak. saya mmg jenis yg x berani lah nak beli brg-2 promo kot fb ni. bukan ubat-2 jer, kdg-2 kain baju pon if xde kwn penah cuba mmg x berani try. skrg ni ramai sngt penipu.
ReplyDeletebetul betul betul. saya agree. saya pon x penah teringin nak beli brg-2 gini kt FB. taaakoooottt
ReplyDeleteTulah kak. Tapi baju kalau kena tipu duit ke, baju tak muat ke; itu still OK lagi. Kalau benda2 yang kita consume tu merosakkan badan kita, mcm mn nak harung?