Mentholatum Hamper from Wai Yee a.k.a. Rane!

OXY skincare product haul from giveaway

Last time Lin menang Giveaway of Mentholatum hamper worth of RM 100 at It takes 2 to Rock by Wai Yee a.k.a. Rane :) So here it is, dah sampai~ Let's see what's inside.

Image of OXY skincare products won from a giveaway

Lin dapat:
1. OXY Pure White Wash 50g & 100g
2. OXY Powder Lotion
3. OXY Pure White Face Cream
4. Lipice Color Gloss
5. Lipice Sheer Color
6. OXY 5 & OXY 10
Super excited nak try new product range dari OXY ni. Why? sebab Lin ni pengguna setia OXY since sekolah menengah lagi. As for me, range baru ni macam gabungan semua OXY range in one bottle. Huhuhu. Nanti Lin share review guna produk range yang ni pula k?

P/S: Special thanks to Wai Yee and Mentholatum ^_^


  1. penah guna oxy 5 & 10 msa skolah dlu..

    1. Kita pun guna since sekolah menengah. Huhuhu~ dulu xd facial wash. ada krim jerawat je kan.

  2. hi Lin, congrates for winning :) I won the giveaway too but it was from Tammy's blog ( Nak tanya ni, Lin dapat parcel ni melalui pos biasa ke poslaju? Mieza stay kat kolej kediaman UiTM jadi alamat yg diorg nk send hadiah ni alamat kolej, so agak susah Mieza nk track my received parcels lagi2 kalau yg x guna poslaju.

    1. Congrats dear ^_^ Sorry, Lin xingat company apa yang deliver. Yang penting bukan Pos Laju. Huhuhu~

  3. Tahniah, lin. semua dah cuba kecuali Lipice Color Gloss.:)


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