
     Dalam membuat keputusan sebenarnya dalam hidup ni mudah sahaja. Yelah, cuma ada dua pilihan; betul salah, halal haram, ya tidak, nak taknak etc. Yang membuatkan decision making ni satu perkara yang rumit cuma manusia sebab manusia suka menconfusekan diri sendiri, atau mungkin juga sebab external yang lain.
     So here I am, with several life changing decision to make and I guess I already make one. From now on, I will:
  1. Stop being stupidly sacrificing myself for those people.
  2. Just take yes or no as an answer.
  3. Start thinking bout myself and be a selfish creature cause I want to.
  4. Not care what other people say about me, because I do nothing wrong.
  5. Will not stand for other people which I believe will not stand up for me.
  6. Stop believing that love is free and there is no such thing. Tak exist.
  7. ..stop being too good to avoid "take it for granted" type of people. Like seriously.
  8. Start to say NO.
Banyak benda yang berlaku which hurt me so deep inside. For the last two years, I've learnt my lesson. It's time to stand for myself and my future, than ignore it and being crabby all time. Kalau kita susah, kita yang rasa.
     Honestly, Lin nak curahkan dekat sini. The most important lesson yang Lin belajar: Tak payah nak baik sangat dengan orang tak kira siapa, semua bermuka-muka. They will find a way to stab you back and tak segan silu blame other people. Avoid people yang awak tahu akan menyusahkan awak, stop being sorry and kesian bagai. Kalau diorang nak bunuh diri, lantak. Stop being too good. Stop sacrificing myself for others yang tak pernah kisah pun pasal myself. OK 2013, here I am.


  1. but remember, dont change yourself too much ;)

  2. Yah, ku setuju jugak dgn point2 Lin..kena lebih bijak handle isu-isu life kita.

    Miss Xyz, understood wat u meant too...that changing oneself should be for the better. Cheerz!


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