Postcrossing Update!

Postcard from Taiwan Close-up of Taiwan postcard design

My first postcard from Taiwan!Currently, 3 of my postcards have already reached my other friends in (USA, Germany, and Ukraine).
So there are only two postcards left that haven't arrived yet, to Poland and Russia.
Okay, I want to start sending another postcard. But where can I find postcards in Ipoh?
I've never seen any. Huhuhu.


Maria Menado~ said…
bestnya dapat poskad dari lua. hehe.
Mak Lin said…
jom la join sekali \(^0^)/
Puteri Panda said…
nak join tapi mcmna? hehe.. :]
intaNadia said…
dah terjoin postcrossing. after bace kat ur blog. hehe
baru je nak send my first 5 postcards. tapi ssh btol nk cari poskad kat sini. nyesal plak tak beli dulu time terjumpa
Mak Lin said…
Boleh baca kat sini:
Mak Lin said…
Itulah pasal. Saya pun problem. Rugi tak beli kad banyak2 hari tu.