Moisturiser for skin: Lotion, Cream, Serum, Body Butter OR ...?
Moisturiser; from head to toe.
What did you use in order to moisturise your skin? Currently, Lin guna macam-macam produk. Ada yang sesuai, ada yang tidak. Apa-apa pun, matlamatnya cuma satu: Lin kena pakai satu produk yang act as emollient for irritating skin condition like myself. Selalunya Doktor akan prescribe Aqueous Cream, tapi Lin tak suka sebab melekit and tak selesa. Especially kalau berpeluh, but it does help.
Quick Review
My Favourite:
1. Vaseline Aloe Fresh Hydrating - Sejuk dan cepat meresap.
2. Vaseline Total Moisture Cocoa Glow - Wangi bau coklat.
3. Nivea Intensive Moisture Serum - Melekit sikit, tapi berkesan.
4. Johnson's Baby Melt Away Stree Daily Calming Lotion - Wangi and calming effect. Lagi seronok kalau ada orang yang tolong sapukan ;)
5. Hado Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturising Lotion - Tepuk-tepuk dekat lutut dan siku.
6. Olay Total Effect Moisturiser - Untuk muka, moisturiser paling best!
7. Vaseline - Malam, sapu dekat kaki and tangan and pakai stokin and sarung tangan. Leave it a whole night. Try la!
8. Johnson's Oxygen Fresh Gel Lotion - New product, wangi and fresh. Cepat meresap.
9. Bio Oil - Doesn't help with my old stretch mark, tapi parut yang baru memang cepat hilang. Termasuklah parut jerawat.
So-so list:
1. Garnier Body Light Extra - Gatal-gatal.
2. Garnier Nutri Repair Repairing Milk Lotion - Gatal-gatal.
3. Johnson's Baby Oil - Melekit.
4. Nivea Night Whitening Body Milk - Tak ada motif.
Ada ke lotion yang tak ada chemical merbahaya dan berkesan? Sila suggest.
produk dari St.Ives terbaik.hehe