Lunch at Restoran New Hollywood, Ipoh [HALAL]

Last Monday we went to Restoran New Hollywood, Ipoh. Again. This is our first time having lunch here. Biasanya kami datang pagi je for breakfast.
Ramai betul orang (>_____<)" Nasib baik ada satu meja kosong time kami sampai.
We're having this, <---- Dah lupa apa nama.
Chilli noodle, I guess? Flat noodle with chilli and ketchup plus super crispy anchovies.
Cha kue. RM0.70 each. Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. 
Super must have if you come to Ipoh. For Ipoh-ian, why wait? give it a go!


Anonymous said…
halal.. boleh try ler next time