Buku Baby!

Salam. Just wanna share this 2 books with my readers.
No.No.No. I'm not pregnant yet. Perangai Lin ikut mak Lin, suka dengan baby. So, I buy this 2 book and read and find out any info that I can apply to my life. Tak payah tunggu ada baby lah, apply dekat adik sendiri pun OK what~ adik Lin pun kecil lagi. This two books beli dekat MPH. Bagi Lin, both buku yang paling best dan paling lengkap from A to Z. OK. Mesti confuse kan kenapa Lin beli buku yang tujuannya sama? As Pregnancy and Babycare + The Wonder Years = both guide from pregnancy sampai umur 5 tahun.

Pregnancy & Babycare lebih kepada macam mana nak jaga baby termasuk ibu secara detail. Macam kalau anak nangis kenapa, how to handle them secara physically and mentally etc. What to avoid.

The Wonder Years lebih kepada penjagaan baby, their development from 0-5 years old macam Fine Motor Development, Sensory Development, Mental Development, Social and emotional development etc.

Harga: Pregnancy & Babycare RM39.90 and The Wonder Years RM55.90.
...and one more thing Lin ada collection ebook juga.

Doakan kami ada baby comel juga k?


Anonymous said…
tq berkongsi.. Gd untuk bakal2 ibu bapa yng baru tu!
Ardini Humaira said…
akak akan promote entry ni dear :) tqvm!