IV Preps.

Fun. isn't it?
Intravenous saline bag and syringe on handwritten academic notes highlighting the practical aspects of medical education.
So, today in our Drug Delivery System Class (DDS) we prepare an IV solution. Yep, you heard that right! 

Imagine this: me, in a lab coat, looking all professional and stuff, mixing up the perfect IV solution. It was like being a mad scientist, but in a good way (lebih nampak macam a witch preparing her potions sebenarnya). The whole process was fascinating, from measuring the ingredients to ensuring everything was sterile and safe. It felt like I was on a mission to save the world, one IV bags at a time.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “IV prep? That sounds complicated!” Bukan Pharmacist kerjanya bagi ubat je ke? Tidak kawan-kawan, bukan sekadar mendispense ubat-ubatan sahaja; *cry 

Well, it was a blast. Plus, it’s a crucial skill for any pharmacist. Knowing how to prepare and deliver medication safely is a big deal. And let’s be honest, it’s pretty awesome to say you can do that! 💪

One of the best parts? Seeing the final product. There’s something incredibly satisfying about looking at that perfectly prepared IV bag and knowing you did that. It’s like a mini victory dance moment. 

Stay curious and keep learning!
